Success Stories See "happy together" stories of cats helped by FELIWAY
Mewsli, 7 years old

Mewsli is my little baby. And thanks to FELIWAY we have bonded. Mewsli was a rescue cat. When we first got him, he was tiny and scared. But I had an instant connection with him and just knew he had to be the one. I’m sure he didn't have the easiest start in life so we had to really build up the trust between us. He was very anxious and used to hide. He also scratched the side of our sofa, which my husband was not happy about!
So we started using the FELIWAY plug-in to try and relax him. It's really easy to use, we just plug it in and then it just does its thing. I also use the spray on the sofa because that's specifically where he was scratching. After a little while, I noticed a remarkable difference in Mewsli's attitude. He's more confident and much more at ease in this environment now, he’s even stopped scratching. He's obviously happier, so my husband is happier - it's a happier household all around!
FELIWAY’s been useful building that family bond between us and Mewsli.
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Product used

FELIWAY Diffuser
FELIWAY Diffuser is an excellent solution to comfort cats at home and avoid signs such as urine spraying, scratching or hiding....