Zgodbe o uspehu Oglejte si zgodbe »Srečni skupaj« o mačkah, ki jim je FELIWAY pomagal
Luffy , Smokey
My two boys love each other. What they do not love so much is the stray cats that my neighbor has food out for. They can see her back porch through some of our windows and this has caused them to urinate on the curtains. There have been a few other locations in the house as well. It was happening once or twice a week for months. I had them checked for UTIs, and nothing was found. I even had to have them boarded while we were gone for a week (rather than have someone stop by the house like I usually do) because I was concerned they would pee on things. First thing they did when we got back was pee on the curtains. I got two FELIWAY MultiCat diffusers for the main problem areas (per feliways suggestion on which product to use). It's been 3 weeks now since they've been in use and so far, so good! This is the longest stretch we've gone without finding a spot since it all started, so I think it's safe to say it's working!
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FELIWAY Friends Električno razpršilo
FELIWAY Friends je preprost način za zmanjševanje konfliktov med sobivajočimi mačkami ter preprečevanje obnašanja, kot so...