Zgodbe o uspehu Oglejte si zgodbe »Srečni skupaj« o mačkah, ki jim je FELIWAY pomagal
Ella , Kaiser
Our 2 year old cat Ella needed a kitty friend to play with so we got 1 year old Kaiser. Kaiser wasn’t neutered until we adopted him and was overly “tomcat” towards Ella! He caterwauled all night and even though the cats enjoyed playing, he’d take it way too far and relentlessly irritate or attack her. Our vet gave us the FELIWAY Multicat diffuser, and it’s only day THREE and those bad behaviors seem like a distant memory already! Kaiser doesn’t meow all night anymore, and he doesn’t attack Ella all the time. They’re both much calmer, Ella can finally relax again, and we can finally sleep again! We can’t believe the FELIWAY MultiCat diffuser worked so quickly and effectively! Couldn’t have dreamed it would be this easy to make our home calm again, I only wish we got it sooner. Both cats love it and like to sleep near the diffuser!
Product used
FELIWAY Friends Električno razpršilo
FELIWAY Friends je preprost način za zmanjševanje konfliktov med sobivajočimi mačkami ter preprečevanje obnašanja, kot so...