Success Stories See "happy together" stories of cats helped by FELIWAY

Al , Willow

The cat distribution system chose us this summer. Al (the tuxedo) was a feral stowaway in the engine compartment of our truck after a camping trip. When Al was showing signs of needing a playmate, we decided to adopt Willow from the Humane Society. They didn't really get along to start, and a friend recommended FELIWAY Friends. Within 24 hours this is the result. From hissing and swatting to cuddling and being best friends. About 5 weeks after this photo, my husband had to travel for work for a week, and at the same time Al was accidentally locked in the basement for 2 hours when I had to run out to the store. She started to act super skittish and was actively avoiding us, reverting to her feral beginnings. We had had such success with FELIWAY Friends, we decided to try FELIWAY Optimum. Within 24 hours, she started to respond, and is returning to being a cuddle monster, and I can't thank you enough.