Success Stories See "happy together" stories of cats helped by FELIWAY

Zira , Dewey


We were a one cat family and everything was great until we introduced Dewey. 

Dewey likes to play and is always interested in what Zira is up to, but Zira wasn’t too excited about having a little brother. She would growl and snarl – something we didn’t usually hear her do before – and then she started to hit Dewey and it made for a very stressful and unhappy household. We were at our wits end trying to find a solution to get our cats to get along and that’s when we came across the FELIWAY Friends diffuser.

After we started using the diffuser, the cats really just started to give each other space and were a little more patient with each other. It’s a world of difference now. They became close enough that they can exist in the same space and be themselves and that means so much to us that the family can just relax.

See our story: