Histórias de Sucesso Conheça as histórias “felizes juntos” dos gatos e seus tutores que utilizaram Feliway.
Khaleesi , Snow Belle

Hi. My name is Beth and we have 2 cats, Khaleesi and Snow Belle.
And this is our story using FELIWAY Optimum.
When we got Khaleesi she had 2 previous owners and the owner that we had her from, their cat had bullied her so she was a bit timid and we had quite a few problems with her to begin with.
I mean the peeing was, I would say, the main issue. So we would have to cover the sofa with a plastic sheet every time we left the sofa unattended.
We know that she’d had issues with other cats in the past so we were more worried about introducing a kitten into the house.
So we turned to using FELIWAY Optimum to help introduce the 2 of them.From what I understood, a more premium product.
It just seemed liked it was the bigger bolder version to go for, and we were like, we probably need as much help as we can get.
We went from me basically having to chaperone Snow Belle.
They are almost inseparable these days.And the litter tray issue is just like non-existent now.
It gives such a nice calming influence for both of them and it’s really kind of settled everybody down.
To the point now where we’ve got a nice little happy household.
Produto utilizado

FELIWAY Optimum é a melhor solução FELIWAY para ajudar na adaptação dos gatos as situações estressantes do dia a dia e trazer...